In case you have never had a web hosting account or you’re changing companies and the new one employs an account administration interface that you have not seen before, you may get puzzled about how to accomplish a given task in your account or on your PC. Because of this, many web hosting companies have compiled a knowledge base, which outlines the most frequent enquiries and challenges connected with their platform, rather than including only some general information. This kind of knowledge base will enable you to find the desired info quickly and effortlessly, so you will not need to dedicate loads of time and energy to things that might require something as simple as clicking a button or ticking off a tickbox. Thus, not only can you get things done, but you can also discover plenty of new and useful things, both about the way you can administer your account and about the way the web hosting service functions in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Website Hosting
If you buy a website hosting account through us, you will be supplied with access to our exhaustive online documentation where you will see info about just about everything connected with our web hosting plans. The topics cover anything from how to create an email address on your cellular phone, to how to accomplish various things using an .htaccess config file. The articles themselves are written in a simple-to-understand way and include detailed guides on how to carry out a certain task within your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find information that is not related directly to Hepsia, for instance one that concerns software applications on your computer. The full archive of articles will be available in the Control Panel’s Help section, but those that are applicable to a specific Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Since we have encompassed as many topics as possible, you will be able to find out virtually everything connected with your hosting account.